access to ports and protecting warships from terrorists. Listeners will learn how Francis' scam was tolerated because he was a trusted intermediary of the Navy, paying bribes on their behalf to gain U.S. military's worst-ever national security failures. The post will divulge details about Francis' videotaping of indiscretions with Navy officers, creating one of the U.S. In FAT LEONARD, Host Tom Wright takes a deep dive into Leonard Francis' mafia-like organization inside the Navy, corrupting even the top officer at the famed Navy Criminal Investigation Service (NCIS) as it started receiving tips about his shady dealings. national security and how misogyny is still running rampant from petty officers to admirals." "The story of Leonard Francis' rise to power in the navy through bribery and kickbacks is the most important corruption case in recent military history," said Tom Wright. "FAT LEONARD," a new podcast exploring one of the largest national security breaches, will debut on October 5. The explosive story will also feature scores of other voices, including prominent women who share the broader tale of misogyny and sexual abuse in the U.S.

FAT LEONARD will shed light on the Navy's cover-up of the case, which has gone after almost 30 officers, but failed to prosecute admirals whom Leonard claims took gifts and favors.

Navy in exchange for cash bribes, escorts and luxury items. With Leonard Francis exclusively talking for the first time, host Tom Wright uncovers the shocking reality of the defense contractor who won tens of millions of dollars through corrupt deals with the U.S. Navy in decades, will debut on Tuesday, October 5. 28, 2021 /PRNewswire/ - Project Brazen Original "FAT LEONARD," a nine-part podcast exploring the ongoing investigation into one of the largest national security breaches involving the U.S. Navy officers with cash, escorts and luxury itemsĭebut Project Brazen Original podcast will be available on PRX, Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google podcasts and Stitcher Here is a wide-ranging list of the standout books about architecture I came across, from children’s books to philosophy.Host Tom Wright, co-author of New York Times Bestseller Billion Dollar Whale, dissects one of the most shocking unknown tales of our era featuring a defense contractor who bribed U.S. Search results turned up thousands of results from technical to coffee table. I dove into my new interest in architecture with a frenzy fueled by anxiety about e v e r y t h i n g. But what were those window things called? I realized what I’d been looking at was real estate, and what I wanted to know about was architecture. This breakthrough arrived at a pivotal time. In New Orleans, you hear about Creole cottages and shotgun houses. That came with a harsh discovery that I had no vocabulary for architecture. When the gyms closed, I started running outside. I wasn’t in the market, but I couldn’t stop looking at houses. This turned into an obsession with scrolling through pictures of homes on Instagram.
Francis ching podcast tv#
In practice, it was just me absorbing HGTV from the gym TV while running on the elliptical.

I wouldn’t call it a passion for architecture by any means. Before the pandemic trapped me in my apartment, I liked looking at houses.