76), and went on to say that "(c)ontrary to general belief, Madhubala is rather simple and unassuming" (p. In their 1962 book Self-Portrait, Harish Booch and Karing Doyle commented that "(u)nlike other stars, Madhubala prefers a veiled secrecy around her and is seldom seen in social gatherings or public functions" (p. Academy Award winner American director Frank Capra, while visiting Bombay for International Film Festival of India, was keen to give her a break in Hollywood, but her father Ataullah Khan declined. It also speculated on her potential international success. The article described Madhubala's immense popularity in India, and explored her wide appeal and large fan base.
She appeared in the American magazine Theatre Arts where, in its August 1952 issue, she was featured in an article with a full page photograph under the title: "The Biggest Star in the World - and she's not in Beverly Hills". In the early 1950s, as Madhubala became one of the most sought-after actresses in India, she attracted interest from Hollywood. But, this gave her an opportunity to know Dilip Kumar. But, things did not materialize and she could not work in the film.

In the movie Jwar Bhata (1944), she was to play the lead role with Dilip Kumar. Devika Rani was amazed by her performance and talent and changed her name to Madhubala. Following the success of Mahal, Madhubala appeared in the box office hits Dulari (1949), Beqasoor (1950), Tarana (1951) and Badal (1951).Mumtaz gave a fabulous performance in her maiden film Basant (1942). The film was the third largest hit at the 1949 Indian box office. Madhubala, with established actresses, screen-tested for the role before she was selected by the film's director Kamal Amrohi. She achieved stardom and popularity in 1949 when she was cast as the lead in Bombay Talkies studio's Mahal – a role intended for well-known star Suraiya. This was the last film in which she was credited as Mumtaz before assuming her screen name 'Madhubala'. Her first lead role, at the age of 14, was with producer Kidar Sharma when he cast her opposite Raj Kapoor in Neel Kamal (1947). Actress Devika Rani was impressed by her performance and potential, and advised her to assume the screen name 'Madhubala', literally meaning 'honey belle'. As a child actress she went on to play in several movies. She acted as the daughter to a mother played by actress Mumtaz Shanti. Madhubala's first movie, Basant (1942), was a box-office success. At the age of 9, this was Madhubala's introduction to the movie industry, which would provide financial help to her family. With his six remaining daughters to provide for, Khan, and the young Madhubala, began to pay frequent visits to Bombay film studios to look for work. The family were only saved because they had gone to see a film at a local theater. The dock explosion and fire of Apwiped out their small home. Madhubala's three sisters and two brothers died at the age of five and six. At that time, she was known as Baby Mumtaz.There the family endured many hardships. Madhubala entered into the Indian film industry as a child artist. Things were not smooth and the family had to struggle a lot for a year. Madhubala's father named Ataullah Khan, on hearing the words of the Muslim holy man, planned to migrate to Bombay (now Mumbai) for leading a better life. She is admired for her looks and work even by the present day generations. Madhubala is an epitome of beauty, who had an unbeatable charm.